Daniel Pilowsky, MD
369 Ashford Avenue

(2nd Floor, Suite M)

Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522






Dr. Pilowsky is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist practicing in southern Westchester county, NY. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry in Psychiatry as well as Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. He graduated from William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology with a certificate in psychoanalysis (New York City). He works with children adolescents and adults.  

Dr. Pilowsky was on the faculty at Columbia University until 2016. While at Columbia he conducted mental health research dealing with depression,
psychiatric epidemiology and related topics (for details please refer to Dr. Pilowsky’s resume).

Dr. Pilowsky evaluates children and adults and offers a variety of treatments depending on the needs of each individual. As a graduate of the William Alanson White Institute, he is trained in the conduct of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. As a psychiatrist, he is trained in psychopharmacology (the use of medication to treat psychiatric symptoms and disorders).